Professional Development:
a Trauma-informed approach
Curriculum for teachers, administrators, support staff, and other school community stakeholders
Cultivating Educator Resilience
A dive into the evidence-based habits that cultivate resilience specifically for educators. This experiential workshop will provide teachers with practical activities to sustain them throughout the school year.
Executive Functioning
Appropriate for new and veteran teachers. This training will review the executive functions as pre-requisites to genuine, deep learning, how to identify gaps and fun ways to fill and build executive functioning in students (and ourselves!)
Trauma-informed Classroom Community
With the most up-to-date information, science and research, this training will support teachers in creating a trauma-informed classroom community that is safe, enjoyable and conducive to learning for them and their students.
Stress and School
This learning opportunity will normalize the signs and symptoms of stress and trauma seen in teachers, students, families, and systems while providing strategies at all levels for mitigating the effects of chronic stress.
Understand the impact of stress and trauma on learning, academic performance, and classroom behavior and learn trauma-informed strategies for manifesting a safe, nurturing environment for all members of the school community
Learning Objectives​
Participants will be able to identify their students’ need for various mindfulness activities in both a proactive manner and responsive manner.
Participants will be able to make informed choices of which activities will meet the needs of their students and classroom community.
Participants will be able to understand and teach the basic science of a variety of mindfulness (breath, movement, stillness, etc.) techniques.
Participants will be able to lead a classroom in mindfulness activities as learned in this training.
Participants will have engaged in mindfulness practices and be able to incorporate these experiences into their own self-care regimen.